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Just a few kilometres from Borgo, in Val di Sella, is the evocative Arte Natura route, which takes the visitor on a discovery of Arte Sella, the international biennial exhibition of works of art created in nature with nature.

The works are generally created using only natural materials, more rarely artificial objects, materials or colours.

The works are created by the artists directly on site, and remain embedded in the life cycle of nature; in the forest they undergo the succession of the seasons until they are transformed and absorbed by the surrounding environment, coming alive with the dynamic spirit of nature itself. They are therefore all placed outdoors and the visitor can admire the works and at the same time enjoy the environmental peculiarities of the place, completely immersed in nature.

The project is not only a qualified exhibition of works of art, but also and above all a creative process: the work is followed day by day in its growth and the artist’s intervention must express the relationship with nature based on respect, drawing inspiration and stimulus from it.

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